
 Англо-русский словарь - термины, добавленные пользователем ART Vancouver: 26.291  <<

17.05.2024 2:47:06 идиом. cause a scene устроить переполох (также шутливо: The X3.0 was produced at 14:38 UTC on May 15, causing an R3 (strong) radio blackout over the Atlantic Ocean. This region hasn’t even been numbered yet and it’s already causing a scene! Stay tuned to see what else it brings. (earthsky.org))
16.05.2024 11:08:55 рел., христ. laity and clergy прихожане и священнослужители (At the Anglican Church of Canada's general synod last night, not enough bishops voted in favour of a resolution to change the definition of marriage that called for deleting the words "the union of man and woman", despite support from laity and clergy. The laity voted 80.9 percent in favour, the clergy voted 73.2 percent in favour. But the bishops failed to reach the requirement of two-thirds in favour, with only 62.2 percent voting 'yes'.)
16.05.2024 11:08:17 общ. with good care при хорошем уходе (With good care your Norfolk Island pine will live for 20-30 years or longer.)
16.05.2024 11:03:07 общ. for one reason or another по какой-то причине (A lot of times, for one reason or another, ...-- Нередко по какой-то причине ...)
16.05.2024 6:59:01 клиш. play a major role играть важную роль (As hoped for, the researchers did find unique brain activity in the supramarginal gyrus when the volunteers were internalizing their speech compared to vocalizing it, supporting the idea that it plays a major role in the process. gizmodo.com)
16.05.2024 6:11:25 клиш. look at that! вот это да! (возглас изумления: Oh, my goodness! Look at that! youtube.com)
16.05.2024 6:11:16 клиш. look at that! ничего себе! (возглас изумления: Oh, my goodness! Look at that! youtube.com)
16.05.2024 5:41:06 клиш. do the right thing поступить так, как нужно (in the circumstances: NEW: Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton calls Tucker Carlson a “useful idiot” and a “puppy dog.” Hillary is mad that a journalist is doing journalism. You know Tucker is doing the right thing when this woman is mad at him. (Twitter) • Falcon did acknowledge he would consider making some sort of deal if it meant defeating the BC NDP. “What I care about is putting the interests of the province well ahead of my own interests and I will always do the right thing for free enterprise,” Falcon said. (globalnews.ca))
16.05.2024 5:32:43 разг. what is up with? в чём там дело? (что-то происходит: "Anyone have any idea what is up with the fireworks downtown right now?!" "They're celebrating the Oilers victory in our own backyard. Bastards!" (Reddit))
16.05.2024 5:32:43 разг. what is up with? по какой причине? (что-то происходит: "Anyone have any idea what is up with the fireworks downtown right now?!" "They're celebrating the Oilers victory in our own backyard. Bastards!" (Reddit))
16.05.2024 5:32:43 разг. what is up with? с какой стати? (что-то происходит: "Anyone have any idea what is up with the fireworks downtown right now?!" "They're celebrating the Oilers victory in our own backyard. Bastards!" (Reddit))
16.05.2024 5:18:35 поэт. winds of change ветры перемен (Political winds of change are starting to blow and they are coming from the West. Sources tell Global News that business leaders and political organizers have approached Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West about leading a potentially merged free-enterprise coalition party. (globalnews.ca))
16.05.2024 5:15:22 общ. nice girl славная девушка ("Nice girl." "She is, isn't she?")
16.05.2024 3:47:25 общ. I've never dealt with anything like this мне никогда не приходилось сталкиваться с чем-то подобным (Besides producing jaw-dropping aurora borealis, solar flares from this storm impacted some power grids and GPS and communications satellites. The storm also disrupted some navigational systems in farming equipment in the Midwest and other parts of the country amid the planting season's peak. "I've never dealt with anything like this," Minnesota farmer Patrick O'Connor told the New York Times. (cbsnews.com))
16.05.2024 3:40:35 разг. isn't done yet ещё не закончил работу (After causing the dazzling waves of aurora borealis this weekend, our Sun isn't done yet: The strongest solar flare of the current solar cycle occurred Tuesday afternoon, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center. (abc7chicago.com))
15.05.2024 10:48:45 общ. ill intention злой умысел (She also hopes the boys responsible understand what it is that they’ve done. “I hope that they think that this is just a funny prank and they didn’t do this with maliciousness in their heart, or ill intention. And I understand, when you’re young, you don’t necessarily think about the impact that something like this might have on people,” she said. (nsnews.com))
15.05.2024 10:40:45 неодобр. is just beyond words нет слов (от возмущения: When Smith discovered that Snowflake was missing she went through the video footage and was shocked by what she saw. “We couldn’t believe it,” she said. “They’re beloved family pets, and to have these boys break in and take them is just beyond words.” (nsnews.com))
15.05.2024 10:40:45 неодобр. is just beyond words у меня нет слов (от возмущения: When Smith discovered that Snowflake was missing she went through the video footage and was shocked by what she saw. “We couldn’t believe it,” she said. “They’re beloved family pets, and to have these boys break in and take them is just beyond words.” (nsnews.com))
15.05.2024 10:40:45 неодобр. is just beyond words я просто слов не нахожу (от возмущения: When Smith discovered that Snowflake was missing she went through the video footage and was shocked by what she saw. “We couldn’t believe it,” she said. “They’re beloved family pets, and to have these boys break in and take them is just beyond words.” (nsnews.com))
15.05.2024 10:17:28 общ. full заполненный (о вместимости: The 3:15 sailing? It's only about a third full. -- Рейс на 3 ч. 15 мин.? Заполнен всего на треть.)
15.05.2024 10:15:39 прир.рес. nature preserve заповедник (The image in question was said to have been taken at a nature preserve known as Drongo Trail. coasttocoastam.com)
15.05.2024 10:13:43 торг. pay by credit card заплатить по кредитной карте
15.05.2024 9:42:35 общ. put one's children through private school платить за обучение детей в частной школе (Putting your children through private school can cost you more next year, according to this new report.)
15.05.2024 9:41:45 общ. pay a pittance платить гроши (She tells stories of immigrants who are being paid a pittance to collect strawberries for the smug middle classes to put on their white-linened tables.)
15.05.2024 9:41:10 бухг. payment records платёжные документы (It is important that your payment records are up-to-date.)
15.05.2024 9:40:00 недвиж. lease payment платёж за аренду
15.05.2024 9:38:46 бизн. reactivation charge плата за восстановление обслуживания (The standard reactivation charge is $55.)
15.05.2024 9:38:24 бизн. subscription fees плата, взимаемая с подписчиков
15.05.2024 9:37:29 Канада. tote пластиковый контейнер (для хранения, сокр. от tote box: They typically have handles, making them easier to tote around. The photo shows a family of totes. (english.stackexchange.com): Pretty sure one of my chickens is egg bound so i filled a tote with warm water & epsom salts so I could give her a nice soak and now my 3 year old has decided it is for him instead and hopped right in.😆(Twitter))
15.05.2024 9:32:26 гос. street layout планировка улично-дорожной сети (Everyone knows the classic street layout of a busy downtown in Canada or the US – the grid pattern.)
15.05.2024 9:31:02 публиц. be in the works планироваться (A new Indigenous housing project is in the works for the West End.)
15.05.2024 9:29:01 бизн. Plan of the Day Meeting планёрка (POD amcoen.com)
15.05.2024 8:22:25 идиом. keep one's distance не позволять себе никаких вольностей ("He always kept his distance and did not molest me in any way, but still it certainly was very odd." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
15.05.2024 8:22:25 идиом. keep one's distance не позволять себе ничего лишнего ("He always kept his distance and did not molest me in any way, but still it certainly was very odd." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
15.05.2024 7:59:54 налог. excise tax акциз (this is the right one, this version is used in Canada to refer to a new tax on marijuana )
15.05.2024 7:57:31 общ. hot topic актуальная тема (The hot topic right now is the cost of living. • Hospital pay parking is always a hot topic.)
15.05.2024 7:56:15 энд. adenomatoid nodule аденоматозный узел ("Most thyroid nodules are in fact benign (non-cancerous), and just the fact that you have a thyroid nodule should not create undue concern that it may be a cancer. Most nodules rather than being cancer (carcinomas) are actually tumorous collections of benign cells variously called adenomas or adenomatoid nodules." thyca.org)
15.05.2024 7:55:26 общ. campaign агитация (launched a campaign for/against ... – развернул агитацию за/против ...)
15.05.2024 7:53:24 общ. how about yourself? а вы? (I'm really enjoying the party! How about yourself?)
15.05.2024 7:51:37 торг. self-service machine автомат самообслуживания (Автомат самообслуживания (АСО) – вид терминала, обеспечивающий приём платежей от физических лиц в режиме самообслуживания.)
15.05.2024 7:51:09 общ. distinguished scientist авторитетный учёный (under the supervision of a distinguished scientist)
15.05.2024 7:50:43 инт. last edited by автор последней редакции: (Last edited by: ...)
15.05.2024 7:40:36 общ. wonder задать вопрос (Taking into consideration the fact that government agencies have investigated UFOs, psychic phenomena (such as ESP and out of body experiences), the world of the occult, and much more of a weird nature, it's natural to wonder if those same agencies have ever investigated the Loch Ness Monster. Well, in a way, yes, there have been investigations. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
15.05.2024 7:40:07 общ. wonder поинтересоваться (During the Open Lines following in the second half, Tom in Missouri wondered how large of a sample a current AI application would need to provide a high-quality recreation of a person's voice. -- поинтересовался (coasttocoastam.com))
15.05.2024 7:39:26 общ. wonder задаться вопросом (People are wondering about the direction of council. Many voters have serious doubts about the way it's been headed. • Taking into consideration the fact that government agencies have investigated UFOs, psychic phenomena (such as ESP and out of body experiences), the world of the occult, and much more of a weird nature, it's natural to wonder if those same agencies have ever investigated the Loch Ness Monster. Well, in a way, yes, there have been investigations. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • Sometimes I wonder about you. – Иногда мне кажется, что у тебя с головой не всё в порядке. )
15.05.2024 7:36:23 общ. strike казаться (Does that strike you as odd? – Вам не кажется это странным?)
15.05.2024 6:50:18 неодобр. short-sightedness недальновидность (Price did, however, agree with the criticisms that the ABC councillors’ rejection of the plan shows a short-sightedness about climate change and an unwise refusal to invest in a crucial public space. (vancouversun.com))
15.05.2024 6:47:09 перен. high tensions напряжённость в отношениях (Tensions between the council and park board have been high ever since ABC Mayor Ken Sim unveiled in December his plan to abolish the board, and bring parks and recreation under the control of council, similar to how other cities operate. (vancouversun.com))
15.05.2024 6:41:41 полит. fiscally responsible проявляющий финансовую ответственность (“I think it’s political posturing on their part, trying to come off as fiscally responsible,” Christensen said. (vancouversun.com))
15.05.2024 5:00:22 полиц. individual неизвестный (A doctor was shot in the face in Vancouver, which has been confirmed as a case of mistaken identity. The 46y/o doctor, who works at Surrey Memorial Hospital, was walking in Downtown Vancouver when an individual approached him. They exchanged words before the doctor was shot in the face. Police believe the shooting may have resulted from a dispute involving two drug dealers, in which the doctor was mistaken for another drug dealer. (Twitter))
15.05.2024 4:59:44 полиц. individual неизвестный (A doctor was shot in the face in Vancouver, which has been confirmed as a case of mistaken identity. The 46y/o doctor, who works at Surrey Memorial Hospital, was walking in Downtown Vancouver when an individual approached him. They exchanged words before the doctor was shot in the face. Police believe the shooting may have resulted from a dispute involving two drug dealers, in which the doctor was mistaken for another drug dealer. (Twitter))
15.05.2024 4:54:42 клиш. there's no way of knowing это невозможно установить (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com)
15.05.2024 4:54:42 клиш. there's no way of knowing неизвестно (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com)
15.05.2024 4:40:46 журн. wielding вооружённый (чем-л. – с указанием орудия или оружия: A serial cat shaver in England has struck again as an unfortunate tabby named Twinkle recently lost a patch of fur to the shaver-wielding miscreant. The latest case of the curious crime spree that has kept British animal lovers on edge for the last several years happened last month in the community of Foleshill. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.05.2024 4:07:28 неодобр. mean-spirited thing подлость (Awww... I hope Snowflake is returned safe and sound. Stealing people's pets is such a mean-spirited thing to do. -- Воровать домашних животных -- это такая подлость. (Reddit) ctvnews.ca)
15.05.2024 3:56:07 перен. things got heated обстановка накалилась (At a council meeting on May 6, things got heated between Ledingham McAllister's representative and Coquitlam City Council over the timeline for the project. (storeys.com))
15.05.2024 3:55:12 перен. things got heated страсти накалились (At a council meeting on May 6, things got heated between Ledingham McAllister's representative and Coquitlam City Council over the timeline for the project. (storeys.com))
15.05.2024 3:46:32 недвиж. rental building многоквартирный жилой дом, используемый для сдачи квартир в аренду (... prohibiting personal occupancy evictions in purpose-built rental buildings with five or more units • a nine-storey rental building planned for 304 East 1st Avenue)
15.05.2024 3:40:50 презр. not even worth даже не купишь (о недостаточной сумме: "Got my LifeLabs class action settlement notice. What should I do with all this money coming my way?" "$7.86? Not even worth a burger at Triple O's. Hoping the lawyers get their fix of cocaine and hookers tonight." (Reddit))
15.05.2024 3:33:56 дор.движ. traffic gridlock дорожный затор в нескольких направлениях (a traffic jam in which a grid of intersecting streets is so completely congested that no vehicular movement is possible (Merriam-Webster))
15.05.2024 3:33:56 дор.движ. traffic gridlock автомобильная пробка в нескольких направлениях (a traffic jam in which a grid of intersecting streets is so completely congested that no vehicular movement is possible (Merriam-Webster))
15.05.2024 2:23:47 ласкат. little furry guy пушистик ("... любителей животных, которые переживали за судьбу четвероногих пушистиков")
15.05.2024 2:14:06 клиш. top priority первоочередной вопрос
15.05.2024 2:08:40 дор.движ. sit in traffic простаивать в пробках
14.05.2024 9:26:55 идиом. try to look large and in charge напускать на себя важность (Everyone knows the premier's goose is cooked, so the finance minister's trying to look large and in charge.)
14.05.2024 6:52:06 разг. burn out дойти до предела (из-за нагрузки на работе)
14.05.2024 6:50:00 общ. be successful добиться успеха (It was exciting to see that they were all successful after years of struggle.)
14.05.2024 6:48:36 разг. keep it hush-hush держать язык за зубами (In 2010 the Croc made it to Fellfoot at the bottom of Lake Windermere before being captured again by Tim and his nephew District Councillor Ben Berry. Ben said, "We've kept it hush hush because of the tourism benefits of ‘bownessie' and the possible embarrassment of losing him once or twice, but due to pressure from National News outlets that found out we had Snappy and the connection between escapes and sightings, it's time to come clean to the public." englishlakes.blog)
14.05.2024 5:04:40 общ. unassuming неприметный на первый взгляд (A small, unassuming cave in Venecia, Costa Rica has earned a reputation for proving almost immediately fatal. The reason that the cave is so dangerous is that it is almost completely filled with carbon dioxide – enough to cause almost immediate unconsciousness and death. (unexplained-mysteries.com))
14.05.2024 4:54:57 общ. calm oneself успокоиться (When you're not able to calm yourself, when you feel unable to cope with stress, you need to reach out to a professional.)
14.05.2024 4:54:42 разг. easy now успокойся (Easy now. We're getting there. – Успокойся. Сейчас поймёшь.)
14.05.2024 4:52:56 идиом. rest easy успокоиться (Undoubtedly due to the incredible clarity of the pictures, they quickly went viral on social media in Sri Lanka with many people marveling at the monstrosity seen in the images. However, those fearful of encountering the creature can rest easy as an official with the Yala National Park informed the AFP last week that "no such thing has been reported" at the site. -- могут успокоиться (coasttocoastam.com))
13.05.2024 8:44:18 идиом. scare witless напугать до смерти (The saga of Caddy Cadborosaurus: The giant sea serpent either scared the masses witless or made them chuckle, providing endless fodder for B.C. newspapers. (vancouversun.com))
13.05.2024 8:44:18 идиом. scare witless перепугать до смерти (The saga of Caddy Cadborosaurus: The giant sea serpent either scared the masses witless or made them chuckle, providing endless fodder for B.C. newspapers. (vancouversun.com))
13.05.2024 8:44:18 идиом. scare witless вогнать в дрожь (The saga of Caddy Cadborosaurus: The giant sea serpent either scared the masses witless or made them chuckle, providing endless fodder for B.C. newspapers. (vancouversun.com))
13.05.2024 8:44:18 идиом. scare witless вселять ужас (The saga of Caddy Cadborosaurus: The giant sea serpent either scared the masses witless or made them chuckle, providing endless fodder for B.C. newspapers. (vancouversun.com))
13.05.2024 8:24:43 общ. keep one's distance держаться на расстоянии (Folks who are curious about the sea lions should keep their distance though, both for their sake and the animals’. nsnews.com)
13.05.2024 8:24:43 общ. keep one's distance не подходить близко (Folks who are curious about the sea lions should keep their distance though, both for their sake and the animals’. nsnews.com)
13.05.2024 8:13:52 яхт. float причал-поплавок (For sale: a private float in Blue Bay.)
13.05.2024 8:13:52 яхт. float причал на понтонах (For sale: a private float in Blue Bay.)
13.05.2024 8:13:52 яхт. float плавучий причал (For sale: a private float in Blue Bay.)
13.05.2024 7:57:25 общ. take over захватить (In Lake Huron, zebra mussels in one year took over the entire ecosystem. -- захватили • The CCP is attempting to take over the USA across all industries -- pushing spies into U.S. universities and buying U.S. farmland. (Sen. Marsha Blackburn) • A raft of rowdy California sea lions has taken over a private float in Garrow Bay. They showed up a little over a week ago, said David Cottrell, who lives nearby. Oftentimes, the 20 to 30 sea lions are just lazing cheek-to-jowl on the raft and slipping into the bay to eat. Mainly though, Cottrell said, they’re barking. “Are they ever noisy,” he said. “We’ve got all the windows and doors closed, but you can still hear them pretty loud and clear. They pretty much go all night long.” (nsnews.com))
13.05.2024 7:08:47 общ. make headway добиться (результатов, успеха: She began her writing and music career in New York in the 1950s but struggled to make any headway. After a decade of trying and not succeeding, she gave up and moved to Michigan. -- изо всех сил старалась чего-то добиться (thevintagenews.com) • But Mattison feels there is still hope for progress, concluding, “I think the more educated we get, and the more we get legislators who care about these types of issues and freedom, then we can start to make headway.” (coasttocoastam.com))
13.05.2024 7:00:20 перен. dazzle ошеломить (McCormach dazzled his fans with his images inspired by ancient Celtic myths, legends and fantasies. • An extreme solar storm, brought on by a cluster of giant sunspots, sent charged particles toward Earth over the weekend. The resulting auroras, or Northern Lights, dazzled the eye across the globe with green, pink, and purple illuminations in the sky. [click to see the video] coasttocoastam.com)
13.05.2024 4:35:18 сл. this one is sick! клёво!
13.05.2024 4:24:20 разг. loads of уйма (My son snapped loads of Aurora images for hours last night! It was awesome!)
13.05.2024 4:24:20 разг. loads of масса (My son snapped loads of Aurora images for hours last night! It was awesome!)
13.05.2024 1:06:50 общ. drive on a street ехать по улице (driving on Hastings between Victoria and Nanaimo)
12.05.2024 7:16:23 общ. informative walking tour познавательная экскурсия (*a guided walk: A big thank-you to Tourism Chilliwack for a very interesting and informative heritage walking tour!)
11.05.2024 23:20:14 общ. register дойти до сознания
11.05.2024 23:17:50 общ. register изобразить (на лице: Having said which, she gave a start, quivered and put a hand up to her face as if she were having a screen test and had been told to register remorse. (P.G. Wodehouse))
11.05.2024 23:15:30 дор.стр. paving асфальтирование (также paving work)
11.05.2024 23:15:20 дор.стр. paving асфальтировка (также paving work)
11.05.2024 23:15:02 дор.стр. paving укладка асфальта (также paving work)
11.05.2024 10:11:34 кнлз. sewer pipe networks сети канализации
11.05.2024 10:10:40 кнлз. sewer pipe networks канализационные сети
11.05.2024 10:08:51 разг. end up on one's rear end сесть на одно место (He was punched in the face and ended up on his rear end. – и он сел на одно место)
11.05.2024 10:06:39 рег.дв. drink and drive сесть за руль в пьяном виде (I never drink and drive. – Я никогда не сажусь выпившим за руль.)
11.05.2024 8:59:34 общ. joyful personality жизнерадостный характер
11.05.2024 8:58:56 образн. robust жизнестойкий (There's no argument that we're going to have a strong, robust immigration policy. – сильную, жизнестойкую иммиграционную политику)

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